#+title: Thesis Structure * Abstract * Introduction ** Productions *** abstract structure of a production ** ACT-R / Pyactr *** Example Production * Task ** Modified Frensch Task *** Data from previous experiment **** learning different between fixed, random and blocked order * Model (Explain Model in Order of usage in Task) ** Declarative Memory ** General Structure ** Greater/Lesser Comparisons 1. if hundreds1/2 are different, check which is greater 1. if hun1 greater -> arg1 greater 2. if hun2 greater -> arg2 greater 3. set hundreds, tens, ones answer to arg1/2 4. done 2. else if tens1/2 are different, check which is greater 1. if ten1 greater -> arg1 greater 2. if ten2 greater -> arg2 greater 3. set hundreds, tens, ones answer to arg1/2 4. done 3. else check if one1 or one2 is greater 1. if ten1 greater -> arg1 greater 2. if ten2 greater -> arg2 greater 3. set hundreds, tens, ones answer to arg1/2 4. done ** Addition 1. try to retrieve result from decmem 1. if successful, done 2. if retrieval error, retrieve sum of first digits (ones) 3. save result as first answer, try to retrieve 10 + x = result 1. if successful, the result was >10 and there is a carry. set the first answer to the remainder (x) and flag our carry var 4. if retrieval error, result <10, no remainder. 5. retrieve sum of second digits (tens) 6. if carry from ones, add 1 to sum 7. again remainder-check and set carry 8. retrieve sum of third digits (hundreds) 9. if carry from tens, add 1 to sum 10. done ** Multiplication 1. if one arg is 0 or 1, answer is 0 or the other arg 2. try to retrieve result from decmem 3. if error, set a counter to 1 and try to retrieve arg2 + arg2 1. if error, save arguments and counter in seperate slots, change op to addition and nextop to mul 1. if add done and values in mem_slots, restore arguments and use addition result. retrieve counter+1 2. if successful, retrieve counter+1 4. increase counter with retrieve result, try to retrieve arg2+result (goto 3) 5. if counter == arg1: mul done ** Subtraction ** Motor ** Procedure ** Visual ** Number * Results * Discussion ** Shortcomings of the model *** differences between act-r and pyactr ** Difficulties in working with ACT-R / pyactr - paper name? * Paper? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279034851_Towards_formally_founded_ACT-R_simulation_and_analysis https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351138324_Cognitive_Modeling_of_Task_Switching_in_Discretionary_Multitasking_Based_on_the_ACT-R_Cognitive_Architecture rebecca albrecht